March 2025

I called out of work yesterday bc I was sleepy/didn't feel like going/I was going to help my friend w/ her wedding favors. I'm sleepy now and I need to go to bed because I have to work tomorrow and I have to go in the office and I have to take a shower in the morning. I'm having fun working on my site and making new pages and making images. I fund a page to create repeating patters in Procreate so I've been doing some art there also and I can also update my website there but I didn't have my mouse so it wasn't as easy. Excited for later this week we are going to MA. My wife is at her sisters house until Wednesday so I'm flying solo w the kitties.

We had the most delicious dinner last night. It was the best thing I've eaten since we went to the Four Seasons and ate at that fancy restaurant. It was a a seafood bouille and had salmon, lobster, scallops, shrimp, mussells in an amazing cream sauce in a bread bowl. SO GOOD. I had leftovers today and it was so good! We were going to go to a movie after but I was so tired since I hadn't slept so we stayed home. Earlier in the day I'd printed a bunch of papers to give my group packets at our meeting that was today and luckily I checked them because they weren't stapled so we did that last night and watched Rush Hour which I forgot how HILARIOUS it is and then I went to bed so I could reset my sleep schedule because I had a meeting this mornig and I have work tonight. She asked me to come early today because the person before me called out but I was in my meeting and had laundry and some other things to do so I couldn't go right then and she found someone to cover until I can get there this evening. I also figured out how to add collapsable sections which I think I like better than making a link to each day because I like the small space.

I spent the last 10 hours working on this web page. This is giving old school internet addiction when I would spend hourssssss updating my many websites and diaries and playing The Sims. Yikes. At least I'm not drinking lol. But really I am an adult and have things to do. But I was working on this page. I found this super cute template but it was for Tumblr and it had a lot of the Tumblr code. So I was removing that and making sure it all still worked. I think I'm all set for the most part, but need to figure out what to use that for LOL. Maybe I can make new buttons and keep cute icons/gifs there. I have so many I made back when I used Livejournal, a lot/some I saved in my google photos. I wonder if my livejournal still diaryland does, at least one of them.

I slept until 3:30 PM after going to be so late/early. We went to our meeting this evening and then there was a business meeting. We took the girls back to their house and I wanted to stop for food but we had leftovers so we ate that. We finished the Twilight Series, I wish I had read the books when I was younger I feel like it would be more nostalgic but that's okay it was still good. Now we are wathing Pitch Black. Tomorrow we have nothing on the calendar. Our friend invited us over to her new house so I think we will go visit and then in the evening there is a comedy show we talked about going to. I also have a lottt of lanudry to do, some things never change.

I have spent all night on this same page and all I accomplished was adding a cute little washi tape and getting the colors what I wanted (I think). I added some fonts but then it threw off the alignment but...I think it's okay. I want to make it so much cuter. There's so many cute websites on here! Trying to remind myself mine were never that complex and I used photoshop to design everything and then just like pasted it in. I'll keep working!

I took off of work tomorrow, mainly because I stayed up so late/took a nap this afternoon. But I would work if I could work from home. But if I do work I have to be in the office for my third day this week and ... that's not happening. So hopefully after I sleep I can do laundry and put away clothes. I want to also cook stuff but we have ants in the kitchen and it freaks me out I don't want any food there. If we didn't have the kitties I have raid ALL OVER.

We are watching all of the Twilight movies because my wife bought the Cullen House Lego set. We're on the last 2 and I'm realizing I never saw these last 2.

I think I'll do a monthly page...and then I can just come in here and edit it and on the main page I can have a scrolling bar.

Here is the body of my text. This is so wild, I haven't used HTML in years and years. I tried to make a stylesheet and link it but couldn't figure out so I ended yp going to my diaryland account and copying that whole set up and end up using that instead. WILD!

I just made all of these plans in my head on how I wanted this all to be laid out and got overwhelmed LOL. So I'll just leave it like this for now. But how fun!

I found this website for color palletes that was fun to use I think I want to use this at some point. Maybe I'll just work on changing the colors at the moment and then I can always update the actual s in tructure at a later time bc even though I so rarely go on.